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8/22 バージョンアップ対応済 We recommend that you use auto payment. Transactions may not be created due to too large.
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 611,230 PPLNS Shares 9,240
Height 2,502,413 Estimated Shares 6,007
Amount 142 Target Variance 65.01 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 12,081
Difficulty 23.46395155 Average Efficiency 49.72 %
Time 2019-05-14 17:21:24 Target Rounds 10
Shares 18,062 Seconds This Round 162
Finder demon Round Variance 195.48 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
demon 17,641 97.67 8,820 95.45 97.73 135.53695219
anonymous 420 2.33 420 4.55 195.48 6.45419725
momotaro 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00393358
c7p3698m 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00245849
m2r6zqsu 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00245849
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 demon 17,641 0 0.00
2 anonymous 420 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 demon 8,820 0 0.00
2 anonymous 420 0 0.00