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8/22 バージョンアップ対応済 We recommend that you use auto payment. Transactions may not be created due to too large.
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 578,026 PPLNS Shares 1,281,612
Height 2,391,205 Estimated Shares 371,761
Amount 35 Target Variance 29.01 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 1,291,226
Difficulty 1452.1896647 Average Efficiency 28.79 %
Time 2019-02-22 06:27:39 Target Rounds 10
Shares 997,224 Seconds This Round 904
Finder tanaka Round Variance 77.81 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
anonymous 626,873 62.86 746,961 58.28 92.72 20.39894935
tanaka 350,421 35.14 509,152 39.73 113.06 13.90455981
anonymous 19,915 2.00 25,485 1.99 99.57 0.69600329
i5j4mpvu 4 0.00 5 0.00 97.26 0.00016080
m2r6zqsu 2 0.00 3 0.00 116.72 0.00009176
c7p3698m 1 0.00 3 0.00 233.43 0.00008302
b8fh4ptc 1 0.00 1 0.00 77.81 0.00005243
s52nk94v 1 0.00 1 0.00 77.81 0.00005243
v6dc84jf 1 0.00 1 0.00 77.81 0.00004369
anonymous 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00000341
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 626,873 0 0.00
2 tanaka 350,421 0 0.00
3 anonymous 19,915 0 0.00
4 i5j4mpvu 4 0 0.00
5 m2r6zqsu 2 0 0.00
6 c7p3698m 1 0 0.00
7 v6dc84jf 1 0 0.00
8 s52nk94v 1 0 0.00
9 b8fh4ptc 1 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 anonymous 746,961 0 0.00
2 tanaka 509,152 0 0.00
3 anonymous 25,485 0 0.00
4 i5j4mpvu 5 0 0.00
5 c7p3698m 3 0 0.00
6 m2r6zqsu 3 0 0.00
7 v6dc84jf 1 0 0.00
8 s52nk94v 1 0 0.00
9 b8fh4ptc 1 0 0.00