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  Unable to connect to wallet RPC service: RPC call did not return 200: HTTP error: 0 - JSON Response: []
  Est. Avg. Time per Blockが非常に長い場合は,ブロック発見に長い時間がかかる可能性があります。分配までに時間がかかる可能性がありますことをご了承下さい。
  We are investingating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Contributor Shares
    Rank Donor User Name Shares
    1 anonymous 774,815,139
    2 mongdee 657,243,721
    3 hikaru_mccoy 610,244,890
    4 kaikrit 205,979,648
    5 anonymous 104,726,948
    6 chika 101,758,819
    7 anonymous 42,281,139
    8 anonymous 38,296,510
    9 takosuke2 35,655,282
    10 Lafu 32,033,056
    11 shinichi8888 30,762,426
    12 yb1536 25,670,464
    13 anonymous 24,284,533
    14 esprit8000 20,412,075
    15 nikomatsu 19,923,085
    Contributor Hashrates
    Rank Donor User Name KH/s DOGE/Day
    General Statistics
    Pool Hash Rate 0.000 MH/s
    Pool Efficiency 99.87%
    Current Active Workers 0
    Current Difficulty 1.00000000
    Est. Next Difficulty 0.00000001 (Change in 239 Blocks)
    Est. Avg. Time per Round (Network) 1193046 hours 28 minutes 16 seconds
    Est. Avg. Time per Round (Pool) zero seconds
    Est. Shares this Round 65,536 (done: 4535735.36%)
    Next Network Block 1    (Current: 0)
    Last Block Found 283,082
    Time Since Last Block 91379 hours 17 minutes 12 seconds
    Last Found Blocks
    Block Finder Time Actual Shares
    283082 anonymous 07/02/2014 05:23:27 24,583,395
    282534 anonymous 07/01/2014 18:55:08 12,115,338
    282330 anonymous 07/01/2014 15:17:23 23,253,923
    281897 anonymous 07/01/2014 07:17:18 19,293,508
    281562 anonymous 07/01/2014 01:10:06 54,825,751
    277968 anonymous 06/28/2014 05:38:34 176,219,188
    272158 anonymous 06/23/2014 18:23:16 3,923,319
    270577 anonymous 06/22/2014 13:03:09 8,814,783
    264180 nayan 06/17/2014 13:56:31 27,917,295
    262897 nayan 06/16/2014 14:04:33 46,047,343